Hi Hey Hello Magazine released Issue 006 this October 2022. HiHeyHello is a twice-yearly print magazine celebrating women’s outdoor culture, sitting at the intersection of adventure, sport, and creativity.
I’m beyond grateful and honored that they chose one of my images to represent this issue in such a huge way, as the cover shot.
Thanks to @anya_miller and @saharad for the opportunity for the cover and the feature within the pages. Thank you for the amazing work you’re doing to amplify untold stories and bring more representation of the underrepresented in the outdoor & surf industries. It’s really important work on so many levels.
And thanks to all of my wild, adventurous & amazing female friends who trust me & inspire me to create in the natural places we love. XO- always
Excerpt that I wrote for the photography feature on my work titled “Savage Summer”:
I capture images the way I see the world, and the way that I’d like the world to be seen.
An interesting thing I’ve found about photography is that it demands presence and connection. In this series, I shot very intentionally to frame the moments in a minimal fashion so that the emotions exuded in these time capsules can be felt, and not distracted from (that is my hope, anyway).
I truly believe that women make the world go round. And I work to celebrate the power, grace, and sensitivity that is the female being. To uplift women through images that neither feel objectifying or sexualized but empowered, fun, and free. Nature and incredible women are some of my ultimate inspirations.
The following moments were captured with my female friends when we were feeling spontaneous, wild and inspired in our femininity and by the nature surrounding us.
Below is a gallery including some of the featured images.

Go to HHH website to grab your copy!!
A bit more about what you can find inside issue 006 (written by @hiheyhellomagazine)
”Issue 006 is here! The amazing covershot was created by our talented friend and photographer, Jo Savage, who also shared a gallery of some of her favorite images. Stories in this issue include an interview with Seattle-based style icon, adventurer, and owner of @glasswingshop, Alisa Furoyama. She talks fashion, riding dirt bikes down the Baja Peninsula, and the importance of community. East coast diver, Chloe Ellison @chlorence_themachine, shares the underwater wonder of the North Atlantic. Other features include an interview with Katie Burell, @katieburrelltv, the funniest woman in the outdoors as well as Miranda Oakley @miranda__oakley , a professional climber who is recalibrating her life during a pregnancy and soon-to-be-title of mother. We also catch up with @lolamignot and @karinarozunko, two longboarders whose wanderlust keeps them traveling the globe in search of waves along with many others. Thank you to all our contributors who shared their stories and images and to @mountainhardwear for the support.”